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This is the free Material Data Center Datasheet of Ultrason® P 3010 NAT - PPSU - BASF

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Medium viscosity, unreinforced injection-molding and extrusion grade with superior toughness and chemical resistance (stress crack resistance), resistance against superheated steam.
Abbreviated designation according to ISO 1043-1: PPSU
Processing/Physical Characteristics乾燥/調湿単位テスト基準
ISO データ
メルトボリュームレイト, MVR 34 / * cm³/10min ISO 1133
温度 360 / * °C -
荷重 10 / * kg -
成形収縮率, 平行 0.9 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577
成形収縮率, 直角 1.0 / * % ISO 294-4, 2577
ISO データ
引張弾性率 - / 2250 MPa ISO 527
降伏応力 - / 74 MPa ISO 527
降伏ひずみ - / 7.8 % ISO 527
シャルピー衝撃強さ, +23°C - / N kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
シャルピー衝撃強さ, -30°C - / N kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
ノッチ付きシャルピー衝撃強さ, +23°C - / 70 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
ノッチ付きシャルピー衝撃強さ, -30°C - / 50 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
ISO データ
ガラス転移点, 10°C/min 220 / * °C ISO 11357-1/-2
荷重たわみ温度, 1.80 MPa 197 / * °C ISO 75-1/-2
荷重たわみ温度, 0.45 MPa 212 / * °C ISO 75-1/-2
線膨張係数, 平行 55 / * E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
1.5mm厚さでの燃焼性 V-0 / * class IEC 60695-11-10
試験片の厚さ 1.5 / * mm -
Yellow Card 可用 はい / * - -
厚さhでの燃焼性 V-0 / * class IEC 60695-11-10
試験片の厚さ 3.0 / * mm -
Yellow Card 可用 はい / * - -
酸素指数 43.4 / * % ISO 4589-1/-2
ISO データ
比誘電率, 100Hz - / 3.8 - IEC 62631-2-1
比誘電率, 1MHz - / 3.7 - IEC 62631-2-1
誘電正接, 100Hz - / 17 E-4 IEC 62631-2-1
誘電正接, 1MHz - / 89 E-4 IEC 62631-2-1
体積抵抗率 - / >1E13 Ohm*m IEC 62631-3-1
表面抵抗率 * / >1E15 Ohm IEC 62631-3-2
耐電圧 - / 44 kV/mm IEC 60243-1
耐トラッキング性 - / 150 - IEC 60112
吸水率 1.2 / * % Sim. to ISO 62
吸湿率 0.6 / * % Sim. to ISO 62
密度 1280 / - kg/m³ ISO 1183
ISO データ
粘度数 71 / * cm³/g ISO 307, 1157, 1628
ISO データ
射出成形, 樹脂温度 370 °C ISO 294
射出成形, 金型温度 160 °C ISO 294
Processing Recommendation Injection Molding単位テスト基準
Pre-drying - Temperature 140 °C -
Pre-drying - Time 4 h -
Processing humidity ≤0.02 % -
樹脂温度 350 - 390 °C -
金型温度 140 - 180 °C -
 応力-ひずみ. , Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
 割線弾性率−ひずみ. , Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
 応力-ひずみ (等時的). 23°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
 クリープ弾性率−時間. 23°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
クリープ曲線 23°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
 応力-ひずみ (等時的). 180°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (乾燥), PPSU, BASF
 クリープ弾性率−時間. 180°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (乾燥), PPSU, BASF
クリープ曲線 180°C, Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (乾燥), PPSU, BASF
 pvT , Ultrason® P 3010 NAT, PPSU, BASF
 引張弾性率-温度. , Ultrason® P 3010 NAT (調湿), PPSU, BASF
射出成形., フィルム押出成形., 異形押出成形., シート押出成形., その他の押出成形., ブロー成形., 熱成形.
ペレット., ナチュラルカラー
難燃., 透明., 滅菌可能
Melt Strength
General Chemical Resistance
Food contact
Pre/Post-processing, max. allowed water content: .02 %
Pre/Post-processing, Pre-drying, Temperature: 140 °C
Pre/Post-processing, Pre-drying, Time: 4 h

injection molding, Melt temperature, range: 350 - 390 °C
injection molding, Melt temperature, recommended: 370 °C
injection molding, Mold temperature, range: 140 - 180 °C
injection molding, Mold temperature, recommended: 160 °C
injection molding, Dwell time, thermoplastics: 10 min

Drying temperature: 130 - 150°C
Drying time: minimum 4h
recommended dryer: vaccum or dry air dryer
maximum moisture: 0,02 - 0,05%

Ultrason® can be injection molded by any type of machinery on the market, provided that the plasticizing unit and the mold temperature control system have been configured appropriately. The machinery manufacturer must be consulted if any doubts exist on the ability of various parts to withstand the high temperatures required (e.g. barrel, barrel head, bolted connections, etc.)

Long residence time in combination with high temperatures should be avoided e.g. by pump out material at regular intervals.
During extended interruptions, the barrel temperature should be lowered to about 250-280°C.

It has been found out that heating to the requested processing temperature and shutting down or lowering the temperature is best carried out in two steps.
First, the barrel temperatures are set at the lower processing temperature range for the particular thermoplastic (340 - 350 °C). As soon as these temperatures have reached a steady state, the material in the barrel is pumped out. Second, the barrel temperature can be set to the required processing temperature or the heaters can be shut down.
Copyright Altair Engineering GmbH. Altair Engineering GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. The user takes sole responsibility for the use of this data under the exclusion of every liability from Altair Engineering GmbH; this is especially valid for claims of compensation resulting from consequential damages. Altair explicitly points out that any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material. This includes all contents of this system. Copyright laws are applicable for the content of this system.
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Material Data Center is provided by M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. Any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material.

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